
Our Toy Room Storage Solution


The room that seems to collect the most clutter and is overall just a disaster is our toy room! We started off with the typical IKEA cube organizer. That worked for a little while but then the boys started getting into toys that were bigger like Imaginext and nerf guns. Then it was always just a mess and there seemed to be toys laying everywhere.

There is a closet at the entry way to the toy room that didn’t have much practicality. Therefore, my husband built some shelves and that helped to store some of those larger and awkward shaped toys.


However, we still had those messy IKEA cubes staring at me each day as I tried to organize them non-stop without any luck. The kids would come in a rip through everything in 30 seconds. In a last ditch effort we took another trip to IKEA to find something else that might work. We came up with an idea that was unconventional and I wasn’t sure how it was going to work. In the end, the back of my husband’s truck was filled with wardrobe cabinets. We found that we could customize them to fit our needs. We also added a simple desk in the middle.

You can make the shelves inside the cabinets as small or as big as you want. You can have no shelves or many shelves. My favorite thing is that you can close the doors and hide any mess!

Click here to view IKEA cabinets

We also have a table that is used to store Legos. It works well because I can throw any Legos in the bins (after I stepped on them and screamed in pain) and then just put the lid on top.

Click here for the IKEA kids storage table

We also grabbed a floating shelf to display some of the projects the kids finished….with a little help from Dad 😉

We also setup an art station from another piece we found at IKEA…..surprise!

You probably know by now how I love to order everything I need from Amazon. I keep the bags that contain my packages and reuse them. They are perfect for such items as those darn figurines that the boys constantly fight over and lose!

We try to keep the play area on one side of the room and use the other part of the room for watching movies. You will be shocked to know we didn’t get any of the other furniture from IKEA. And no, I am not affiliated with IKEA in anyway it is just a wonderful store with affordable options.

The best part is that the two ottomans both open for storage. So if my mom is coming over I can do a quick clean sweep and throw everything in there from the floor LOL! Who are we kidding, my parents love the surprise drop-ins! Now I can walk into the toy room and not immediately turn around in disgust 🙂

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