Kids Adventures

Kids Ziplining

Whistle Pig Adventures

Sky Valley – Whistle Pig Adventures

The Kid Zip Tour we decided to try was in Blowing Rock, NC. We packed up for a day trip and were off! As we hit some winding roads in the Blue Ridge Parkway I started reviewing my husband’s driving speed. As if almost on queue, my youngest son mentions he doesn’t feel well. I didn’t think much of it since he has never been car sick before on any road trips. Never the less, I hand him a plastic bag just in case. I look back not 10 seconds later and we have a puker! He completely missed the bag. No rest stops nearby so my husband just pulls over where it is safest and we begin the cleaning process. Did I mention the kid had just decided to sneak some Pirate Booty? Pirate Booty stinks just out of the bag, now imagine regurgitated. That was the smell we endured the rest of the day in the car. Thank goodness I still carry baby wipes everywhere with me. That helped at least with most of the car seat. We gave my son a baby wipe bath. Luckily I had brought extra shirts for the boys so we were good there. For some reason I have an odd obsession with the boys wearing matching shirts. When I told my other son he had to change his shirt too he didn’t understand why since, as he pointed out, didn’t vomit on himself. I explained it was to help calm my craziness and he somehow got it. Poor kid! I thought the day was ruined and it was starting to rain so my anxiety was on full alert. If I was a crier I probably would have been sobbing at this point. Oh, and my youngest son asked for a snack about 10 minutes later so he can puke and rally. I am going to worry about him in college!

Interesting that he chose those sandals and socks to wear that day. On a side note, you will want to wear closed toe shoes for zip lining.

I digress, so let me move onto the fun stuff! When we finally reached the Zip Lining location in the afternoon the sun was finally making an appearance and the clouds were moving out. The check-in process was a breeze as we had made reservations and signed all waivers online. The cost was $45/person for 2 hours. They get the kids in their gear, do quick introductions, and get them in an ATV and onto the course.

Our boys are 4 and 6 years old

Once on the course they are given a lesson on their equipment and rules. The lead tour guide had the kids call him ‘Smelly,’ which of course the kids loved and it was easy for them to remember. He was great with them. Once the kids were given their lesson they were off! They were able to fly through the course at their own speed while following the rules. At the bottom of the course was a slide. They unhooked themselves at the bottom of the slide and then could hike back up the hill to get started all over again. They did this for 2 hours straight! They had a little area with pinic tables and chairs at the bottom of the hill for parents to sit and observe. Parents also had the option of walking along some paths to follow along if they wanted to get a closer view as well. Safety was never a concern as they had the procedures down and clearly knew what they were doing here. It was very kid friendly and I would highly recommend!


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