
Weekend Getaway in a Yurt

Did I mention my husband is not a fan of my weekend getaways? Well he actually loved staying at the Yin Yurt here in North Carolina and wants to go back! I should mention that while it was an escape to nature, there was a TV so he didn’t miss the Buckeye game.

First of all, when I hear ‘yurt’ I think of a rustic tent with a bed and no amenities. That is not the Yin Yurt. This place has a living room, kitchen, bedroom, and even a full bathroom! You have to see the pictures to believe it!

The yurt sits on top of a hill overlooking the Pigeon River. The view is amazing. Each morning I would go have my coffee on the deck watching the mist roll out as the sun comes up. We visited in October which was perfect to catch the trees changing colors. In the yurt, there was a pair of binoculars to use which my youngest son loved. He even managed to find a Bald Eagle one morning!

The property is huge and very quiet and peaceful. You can fish in the river and go hiking around the yurt. There is a hammock outside as well as a fire pit!

At one point, I thought I would showoff my rock climbing skills (of which I have none) to my boys. Then they would know their mom was super cool. Only thing was once I started climbing I realized that it wasn’t rock I was climbing but packed clay. I just got stuck for a little while just hanging on for dear life until the earth beneath me started crumbling and I slid down. Go ahead and laugh, the boys did. Mom still not cool!

The owners are not too far away but far enough. They left chocolates and a DELICIOUS bottle of wine for us as well as s’more supplies for the kids! They have a sweet dog, Bella, that would come over to the kids to get her belly rubbed.

After about 10 minutes there the boys had their shoes caked with mud. They left them out overnight and they were not only filthy in the morning but soaked. I only had one backup pair of shoes. Therefore, we took a trip to downtown Waynesville. There is a Mast General Store there that had boots so I figured we might as well get them some proper boots for hiking. On a side note, the store is really awesome and was a candy wonderland!

We got back to the yurt ready to test out these boots. The one thing I told the kids was to not get in the River! They started off surprisingly obeying my wishes…..

Then 15 minutes later……

Then we were back to no dry shoes again but that didn’t stop their fun.

On a seperate note, if you twist your ankle apparently applying a wet paper towel to the area makes it all better.

We were sad to leave this place as it was an amazing getaway for us. We really had the most wonderful time disconnecting and enjoying eachother’s company. Not to mention, not having to worry about masks because no one was around was a much needed break! We will be back!

Follow along on our adventures on Instagram.

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